Starting Point
Starting Point is for people who are in need of help, we offer guidance about where to begin and support in reaching out. Starting Point collaborates with local service organizations and churches to assist people in the community who are in need of help by way of referrals to community resources and services. Our goal is to refer people to these organizations for help with housing, food, finding a job, mental health, substance abuse or other identified needs.
What to expect if you are a client accessing Starting Point:
A friendly smile and a helping hand
You will be asked answer questions on an intake form that will assess your most immediate needs
You will be referred to local service organizations
You are responsible to keep the appointment set up and meet with a service provider(s) identified to help meet your current needs
You will be asked to sign releases for appropriate partnering agencies so that the Starting Point staff can communicate with them in order to support the process
Call 802-476-0276 or 802-476-0262 after working hours, for information or just stop by 30 Keith Avenue in Barre.