COSA: No More Crimes, No More Victims
Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) are the central component of our Restorative Reentry program. COSAs consist of small teams of community volunteers, the Core Member (offender), and the Reentry Coordinator that meet for an hour each week for one year to provide support and accountability for successful re-entry. The mission of a COSA is to enhance community safety and to repair relationships by supporting Core Members to successfully rejoin the community and commit no further offenses. Each COSA is unique but the goals remain the same: No more crimes and no more victims. Community volunteers are instrumental to the success of COSA, and it is because of caring community members that we are able to work with and support people coming out of incarceration to ensure their reintegration is successful.
We are actively looking for caring and committed COSA volunteers due to the high demand that surpasses current volunteer capacity. Training will be provided for interested volunteers.
Please contact Kathleen Moore, COSA Coordinator, at or call 802-272-7478 for more information or learn how you can join a COSA team.
“To give someone the opportunity to start anew is always a good thing. Never give up on them, everyone is capable of success at some level.”
“Coming Home”
a Documentary on COSA
Password: cosa
Coming Home is a documentary film focused on five people returning back to their Vermont communities from prison. The film focuses on the innovative COSA program (Circle of Support and Accountability) that helps reintegrate folks back into their daily lives. The password for the film is “cosa.”
The COSA program is run through Vermont’s Community Justice Centers and is part of the restorative justice model.
The Barre CJC is seeking volunteers to sit on COSA teams in our community.