The Barre Community Justice Center is a citizen-governed non-profit organization.
The Barre Community Justice Center envisions
a safe, connected, diverse and equitable community
in which there are no more crimes and no more victims.
our mission
To engage people in restoring relationships, repairing past harms and building community connections through education and dialogue.
To provide mentoring, support and transitional housing for previously incarcerated individuals
We believe
✦ Change comes in its own time and own way,
and is unique to each individual
✦ Every individual has worth and deserves to be treated with dignity and to have their basic needs met
✦ Every individual deserves the opportunity for personal growth, healing and connection with others, and access to resources and tools
✦ Strong communities are created when everyone has a voice and a chance to be heard
✦ Trauma-informed practices support people in finding meaning and purpose
✦ In fostering self-determination, accountability and resilience
repairing past harms
Photography by Stephen Restelli

Our Principles
We are committed to providing a safe environment for resolving conflicts, and to promote restorative justice and victim sensitivity throughout our community, based on the following principles:
Crimes and disputes are best resolved in the local communities where they occur.
The victim has special needs and claims that are at the center of the resolution process.
The offender has an opportunity to understand the impact of the crime, express remorse, and repair the harm done to the victim and to the wider community.
Community members have a right to feel safe, respected, and involved in the issues that affect their quality of life and sense of personal well-being.
Restorative justice engages all those affected by crime, in an effort to put things right.
building community connections through education and involvement
Photography by Stephen Restelli